How to listen?

These moments of Sensory Sensitization can be a valuable addition to your routine for stress reduction and promoting emotional well-being.

1. Find a Secluded Space: Look for a quiet, distraction-free area where you can immerse yourself in the Sense Sound experience.

2. Comfortable Seating: Sit in a position that allows you to relax. It could be a comfortable chair, cushions on the floor, or even lying down if preferred.

3. Close Your Eyes: Shut your eyes to eliminate visual stimuli and fully concentrate on the sounds.

4. Use Headphones: Utilize quality headphones for an immersive experience and to isolate sounds from your surroundings.

5. Avoid Simultaneous Actions: Put aside other tasks and activities. Dedicate this time exclusively to the auditory experience.

6. Select an Audio: Explore the available Sense Sound audios on the page and choose the one that resonates with you at that moment. It could be sounds of nature or solfeggio pure frequency tones.

7. Adjust the Volume: Ensure the volume is at a moderate and comfortable level. It shouldn’t be too loud or too soft.

8. Moment of Silence: Before starting the audio, sit in silence for a few seconds. This helps calm your mind and prepare you for the experience.

9. Enter the Breath: As the audio begins, focus on your breath. Inhale deeply and exhale gently, synchronizing your breath with the sounds.

10. Immerse in the Experience: Allow the sounds to envelop you. Feel how the vibrations and melodies affect your emotional and mental state.

11. Stay with the Experience: Keep your mind present and receptive to the sounds. If you notice your mind wandering, gently bring your attention back to the sounds and your breath.

12. End with Calm: When the audio concludes, keep your eyes closed for a brief moment. Sense how you feel after the experience.

13. Breathe and Awaken: Gently open your eyes. Take a few deep breaths before resuming your daily activities.

Remember, each person’s experience is unique. Explore different audios and techniques to discover what brings you greater relaxation, calm, and well-being. These moments of Sensory Sensitization can be a valuable addition to your routine for stress reduction and promoting emotional well-being.

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